One Way to Make Your Landing Page Conversion Rate Take Off

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Written by Jimmy Burt,
• 5 min read
landing page copy that converts

Let’s set the scene: You and your marketing team are running a digital campaign to drive sales, sign-ups, or demo requests of some sort. 

You’ve got some great creative running on social, a good handle on your media targeting, and, in your mind, the perfect landing page that people “land” on when they click on one of your ads. 

You’re getting tons of impressions on your ads.

Better yet, you’re getting an above-average CTR on all your creative.  

Better still, you’re getting tons and tons of traffic from your ideal audiences. 

It’s happening—finally, it’s happening. You are well on your way to a massively successful campaign.  

And then you realize something bad. Awful. Simply unbelievable. 

Nobody is converting. 

“WTF is this!!!! ZERO CONVERSIONS?!?!?” you accidentally email your ex, reminding them of the calm disposition and zen-like qualities they loved about you.  

But seriously, WTF is this? No conversions? Or at least, below benchmark conversions? 

Thing is, your campaign could be stellar across creative, media placement, and targeting, but if your landing page isn’t optimized for conversion, then you’re going to fail. 

And no one wants you to fail, not even your ex. 

So let’s discuss the single major key to all-but guaranteeing landing page success, regardless of your product or service, brand or industry. 

The Single Major Key to Landing Page Success: Having a Masterpiece of Masthead Copy

If you’re looking to drive product sales, consultation sign-ups, or simply clicks on a specific button, you’re doing your users a disservice if you don’t try your best to persuade them to take that action immediately in the experience. 

After all, they clicked on your ad for a reason. Sure, users will be at different stages of the journey, but if you’re not optimizing your landing pages for those who are at the conversion stage, then you shouldn’t be surprised when your landing pages don’t convert. 

But you can’t just stick a form or any old CTA in the masthead and call it a day. 

You need a headline and subheadline that speak directly to the creative you used to drive the person to your page. 

For example, if I’m running a campaign about optimizing landing pages, and you click on an ad that takes you to a landing page with the following headline, what do you think you’d do? 

Full-Site Redesign for Your Business

I’m not you, but I’d assume you’d exit the page immediately, realizing that it wasn’t at all what you expected it to be. Sure, site redesign and landing page optimization are in the same category, but they’re two different subjects. 

Instead, what I should do, is either lead with a direct benefit of optimizing your landing page, or lead by drawing out the tension that got you to click on my ad in the first place. 

In this instance, either of these headlines would do an adequate job of further engaging users:

Increase Conversions With Better Landing Pages


Do your landing pages suck at converting users?


Now you’ve got users nodding their heads behind their laptops, tablets, and phones, all because they want or feel what you’re saying. Then, it’s all a matter of either teasing out your offering or releasing the tension by providing a solution in the subheadline.

It looks like this with the first example: 

Increase Conversions With Better Landing Pages

Drive sales. Lower CAC. Increase LTV. It’s all possible with a few tweaks to your landing pages by the experts in conversion rate optimization. 


Do your landing pages suck at converting users?

That’s okay. We’re here to make them less sucky. In fact, we’re here to make sure your landing page conversion rate doubles within two weeks. Ready to find out how?

At this point, your users get a glimpse of all the juicy benefits of increasing landing page conversion. Those who are ready to purchase might not even need to scroll to intake more content. All they need is a convincing and catchy call-to-action button below the copy or form fill-out. 

Something like this: 

Increase Conversions With Better Landing Pages

Drive sales. Lower CAC. Increase LTV. It’s all possible with a few tweaks to your landing pages by the experts in conversion rate optimization. 

I Want Landing Pages That Convert

Or this:

Do your landing pages suck at converting users?

That’s okay. We’re here to make them less sucky. In fact, we’re here to make sure your landing page conversion rate doubles within two weeks. Ready to find out how?

Start Doubling Conversion Rates

And just like that, you’ve nailed it all in the masthead. And all it took was a benefit-revealing or tension-inducing headline, a proof-powered subheadline that promised something, and a descriptive, unique call-to-action. 

Of course, this is only the masthead, and there’s no guarantee that it’ll convert every single user who’s in the conversion stage of their journey. Some people will want to read a few testimonials or a case study farther down the page. Some will need to see hard-hitting numbers. And some may just want to cover their bases and give your landing page a good once-over before pulling the trigger. 

It will, however, drastically improve your overall conversions, much like it has for a number of our clients, including a global food brand, which saw a 389% increase in coupon redemption conversions on their campaign landing page using these tactics. Or a healthcare brand, which more than doubled consultation form conversions after we redesigned their landing page to include an optimized masthead experience. 

So next time you sit down to wireframe, design, or write a landing page, remember: Make the masthead a masterpiece. You do that, and it’ll be hard to fail.

Wanna chat about optimizing your landing page copy? Shoot me a note or connect with me on LinkedIn.