Mastering Movement: From Doctor to DTC Founder

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Written by Kyle Adams,
• 3 min read

Founders are inspiring. They take those late night thoughts rushing through their head, and turn them into action. They identify a passion within a subject they know a ton about, and take it to the next level. This mentality is how Dr. Emily Spilchal created Naboso Technology.

Naboso is a DTC medical technology and wellness company. Its founder, Dr. Emily Spilchal, joined Pete Sena for our last 4:4:4 conversation. "From Doctor to DTC Founder: Mastering Movement with Dr. Emily Splichal."

Naboso is the combination of Dr. Emily’s vast knowledge. Her expertise in podiatry, and 18+ years in the health and fitness industries. Naboso is using breakthrough surface technology to create insoles and mats. Its products are reinventing the way humans enhance balance, stability, and general movement.

During this 4:4:4 conversation, Dr. Emily and Pete took a step back. The conversation uncovers how Dr. Emily’s medical knowledge is the foundation of Naboso. She also explains that pivoting back to her passion and doing it her own way is how she created success.

Dr. Emily’s career path was everything but straight. She got a Bachelor’s degree in Forensic Science and started working in NYC shortly after.

Fast-forwarding a bit, Dr. Emily pivoted to become a personal trainer. Fast-forward a bit more, Dr. Emily went to podiatry school, and then became a doctor. This positioned Dr. Emily as the only podiatrist with 10+ years of movement and fitness experience.

After years of building experience and identifying opportunities for disruption, Dr. Emily started Naboso.

"I developed the material of the products, that’s the innovation. We started with mats, and then customers told us how amazing it would be in shoes. This led to insoles, then flooring, and now Naboso has five licensing agreements on a variety of products with this material."

Dr. Emily has an impressive understanding of her customer. This is how she’s shaped Naboso’s vision and product offering. It’s also how she’s demonstrated a speed to pivot and adopt.

Dr. Emily has an uncanny ability to recognize patterns, and never stops iterating and innovating. She told us how she’s cultivated this mindset for long-term success.

"I’ve been a student for 13 years. This allows me to see things from a different perspective. It could also be my innate curiosity to want to continue to learn, evolve and adapt. My father taught me to never put a ceiling over my head. That’s exactly how and why I named Naboso, ‘Naboso Technology,’ to be all inclusive."

Dr. Emily is passionate about podiatry, movement and improving lives through sensory connections. I’m excited to see how she fuels this fire to continue to grow Naboso.

Thank you to everyone that joined us live during this 4:4:4 session! If you’d like to follow Dr. Emily and Naboso’s journey, connect with Dr. Emily on LinkedIn. You can also follow Naboso on Instagram.

Check out the video below to listen to the full conversation.

Join the next 4:4:4 session! We’d love to have you.
